Hey, let's go ride bikes!

How many ADD kids does it take to screw in a lightbulb?



Yeah, yeah, 3 posts in one day. Bad form, I know, but Dipika commented on how she hates super-long blog posts, so I'm breakin the recap into bite-sized chunks for your stalking reading pleasure.

So Sowers has been getting into the podcasting scene. I must say, I was a little intrigued and checked out one he'd pulled down to his 'Pod (This Week in Tech, for the curious). So at some point we decided we should start a podcast. Seemed easy enough: couple of microphones, a couple people, a couple of drinks, and the rest kinda just falls into place. Yeah.

So we had initially planned to get a select group of individuals together for a little "Meeting of the Minds", but that was also much easier than it sounded. So come quitting time, I convinced Sowers to bounce over to my piece. To ensure that our podcast didn't take on an overly masculine vibe and to balance out our appeal to the masses, we forced Dipika to join in the fun.

I could go on, but really, I'll let the first 'cast speak for itself. Well, actually no, first let me just warn you that it absolutely, positively sucks. To be perfectly frank, it brings "suck" to new levels. So without further ado, I present to you the 0th iteration of $podcast_name:

I hope you will enjoy a podcast by Pedro Sanchez: $podcast_name #0

Now, on the off chance you actually subjected yourself to those fifteen minutes of agony (and if you did, I would like you to know that I'm really, really sorry... but I did warn you), let me share with you just a few of the [very] many lessons we learned in making this (in no particular order):
  1. Podcasting without a topic is not a good idea
  2. Barring some serious improvement in 'casting abilities, drink more "agua"
  3. Caveat: Alcohol Water is not an adequate substitute for a topic
  4. Really, really, ridiculously low volume does not a good podcast make
  5. A discussion of citrus gadgetry is not entertainment
  6. Joking about alcoholism is not funny... unless you are drinking
  7. No mumbling! Less giggling! *cough*
  8. There is no microphone
If anyone thinks of others (or topic suggestions!) feel free to blow up the comentarios here. I don't take criticism very well.

I would also like to take this moment to ASSURE you that any subsequent podcasts will suck less, and that we will also try to be funny at some point. I mean, we laughed our asses off listening to it after the fact, but I am certain we are the only ones. In any event, don't take this as an example of things to come. Te prometo.

Veinte tres

Not sure how I feel about 23. Over the whole legal-to-drink thing, still not old enough to rent a car. You've got all these milestones you look forward to as you're growing up. After 25, the perks pretty much stop until you're eligible for the senior discount (as if that's a perk, though at some point I suppose you look at it as one). At what point do you say "I'd like to stay right at this age?" I'm certainly not there yet, but I'm on the lookout.

Back when I was looking at schools, my guidance counselor told me his time at Tech were "the best four years" of his life. To each his own, I suppose. So here I am, somewhere in limbo between my "early" and "mid" twenties. So far, so good. Not where I want to be just yet (and not the foggiest where that would be if I had the choice), but things are movin' on up, so I'm not complaining.

So where was I? Oh right, birthday. I'll take a moment to gloat over the swag from the occasion:
  • A bunch of nice new threads for work and play (pimp++)
  • Sonicare Toothbrush (You know you're getting old when this type of gift actually excites you, but this thing is freaking cool. Review forthcoming.)
  • Framed/personalized picture of myself and the Stink (awww...)
  • Old Navy Flip-Flops (score!)
  • Bottle 'o Patron Añejo Tequila (yum!)
  • Gift certificate to Penn Camera (shibby!)
  • The Megazooka (muah hah hah!)
  • Cashola ($bling++)
  • Various cards 'n wellwishes from varias personas (gracias a todos!)
All in all, not a bad haul.


So I've been delinquent on updating this thing. I seem to have this problem where during the day I come up with all of these things I want to write about, but by the time I get home, I just don't have the motivation. I guess sitting at a computer for 8 hours each day will do that to you.

Let's see here, Sam (mi hermanito) was home for a bit between spring and summer sessions at the Radshow. It's good to see his dumb ass even if we don't do as good a job keeping up with each other as we should. Much of the time was dedicated to schooling him in DDR. I'm sure you've all seen people playing it at the mall in an arcade or something. In fact, you most likely made fun of them as you continued on, that is, unless they were really good, in which case you were probably struggling to pick your jaw up off the floor. In any event, it's really one of those things you can't fully appreciate until you've experienced it yourself (like Napoleon Dynamite or one of Sowers' world-famous margaritas).

Saturday evening hit up the Cheesecake Factory for some good [early] birthday eatin' with the fam and Sam's lady friend, Lauren (bien hecho, bro). Sowers was supposed to join but he claims the lightning storm took out the cell tower near him. I have my doubts. Anyway, that place has some absolutely awesome food and some of the largest portions I've ever seen. That is, unless it's your birthday. After calling attention to yours truly with a rousing rendition of "Happy Birthday", they placed in front of me the tiniest sundae I've ever seen. There were seven people at our table, and the ice cream came in what might have made a decent shot glass. My back was bothering me pretty badly that night, so I headed home and bummed it. I am a party animal, let me tell you.

I need to go whip up some sustenance right now, so I'll finish the recap later on...


Receta: Mango Curry Chicken

I meant to post this last night, but I got sidetracked. Picked up the recipe and ingredients at Trader Joe's. Very easy, and quite tasty.

Time to Table: 45 minutes
Serves 4 (unless one of them is me)

4 pieces Trader Joe's Boneless Chicken Breasts (frozen)
1 jar Trader Joe's Mango Sauce (hint - it's near the apple sauce)
2 tsp Trader Joe's Curry Powder
1 tsp Sea Salt
½ cup Trader Joe's Thompson Seedless Raisins
½ cup Trader Joe's Slivered Almonds

Preheat oven to 375°. Rinse chicken under cold water for about 5 minutes to thaw and place in a 13X9 baking dish. Pour mango sauce over chicken. Sprinkle curry powder, salt, raisins, and almonds over chicken. Bake uncovered about 45 minutes or until done. Serve with rice or couscous and salad for a complete meal.

Nutrition Analysis (per Serving): Calories 400, Total Fat 10g, Sat. Fat 1g, Cholesterol 45mg, Sodium 460mg, Protein 30g, Total Carb. 50g, Fiber 5g, Sugars 45g

FWIW, I made it with plain ol' Purdue chicken and it turned out great. I will also take this time to share the wonder that is Trader Joe's. If you've never been, go now. They've got some really tasty items you won't find in other places, and their prices are great. Their wine selection is outstanding and also easy on the wallet.


The Last Straw

So I got home from the grocery store (yeah Harris Teeter!) to find this:

(19:40:21) Adam: hey
(19:40:27) Adam: i found this awesome site
(19:40:49) Adam: check it out here
(19:41:04) Adam: you can like write down your thoughts and other people can read them and shit
(19:41:06) Adam: so do it

So without further ado, allow me to present to you, my as-of-yet faceless audience, the culmination of 6 weeks of peer pressure and procrastination. Which brings me to my first point. If you are going to pick a cool blog name, at least have the decency to keep it updated. Friggin' idiots!

Now, I used to put blogs in the same category as cell phones, Manhattans, and the Xbox. Namely, things that I could do without but if that's your thing, more power to you. What a long, slippery slope it has been. Of course, I've been wrong before (well, once, but that was a long time ago and I don't really count it), so we'll see how this goes.