Hey, let's go ride bikes!

How many ADD kids does it take to screw in a lightbulb?


Grandma just called and said you're supposed to go home!

I had briefly considered making the last round a trick question, just because it was so easy. I mean come on, Minkus got it. I'll give Sowers a virtual point for being so clever.

Now the current challenge is a bit tougher. I originally didn't think this one would be a valid location for our game, but upon recent review of the movie in question, I have determined that it is possible to get the correct answer. However, because of the difficulty I will award two (2) points for this one. This would be a good time for the slackers who have yet to put any points up to catch up with those on our leaderboard.

4 Comentarios:

  • This is the street that Napolean struts through after buying his new digs for the prom.

    So, this is the thrift store.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 8/31/2005 4:55 AM  



    By Blogger Taylor, at 8/31/2005 11:01 PM  

  • I'm going to take a stab in the dark and say that it's the exterior of Rex-Kwon-Do. Just a wild guess.

    By Blogger jadam, at 9/12/2005 7:00 AM  

  • You've been pretty quiet about your trip to Las Vegas for a while now. You didn't have any scarring experiences involving goats or anything, did you?

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 10/06/2005 8:30 PM  

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