Hey, let's go ride bikes!

How many ADD kids does it take to screw in a lightbulb?



Taking the time to:

  • Buy a second broadband router at Fry's
  • Set it up in the DMZ of the current main router
  • Set up WPA-PSK on both systems, as well as MAC filtering
  • Re-configure the port forwarding and address space for each router
  • Test that everything works the way it should by attempting to break into your own network
  • Write a blog entry about everything you did
  • ...all while your to-do list contains things like "Pick a health plan", "Pay electric bill" and "Fill out direct deposit forms".

    Who knows. Maybe it's like how I used to clean the heck out of my dorm room anytime I had a major exam to study for.

    1 Comentarios:

    • Pfft. Responsibility is for people who lack imagination. You have your priorities in order, from what I can tell -- locating tasty mexican food? finding a place with cheap drink specials? making new *cough* friends? You have plenty of time to be an adult, kiddo -- enjoy your settling in period before you get down to the daily grind.

      By Blogger Sunny, at 8/05/2005 11:38 AM  

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