Hey, let's go ride bikes!

How many ADD kids does it take to screw in a lightbulb?



So I've been delinquent on updating this thing. I seem to have this problem where during the day I come up with all of these things I want to write about, but by the time I get home, I just don't have the motivation. I guess sitting at a computer for 8 hours each day will do that to you.

Let's see here, Sam (mi hermanito) was home for a bit between spring and summer sessions at the Radshow. It's good to see his dumb ass even if we don't do as good a job keeping up with each other as we should. Much of the time was dedicated to schooling him in DDR. I'm sure you've all seen people playing it at the mall in an arcade or something. In fact, you most likely made fun of them as you continued on, that is, unless they were really good, in which case you were probably struggling to pick your jaw up off the floor. In any event, it's really one of those things you can't fully appreciate until you've experienced it yourself (like Napoleon Dynamite or one of Sowers' world-famous margaritas).

Saturday evening hit up the Cheesecake Factory for some good [early] birthday eatin' with the fam and Sam's lady friend, Lauren (bien hecho, bro). Sowers was supposed to join but he claims the lightning storm took out the cell tower near him. I have my doubts. Anyway, that place has some absolutely awesome food and some of the largest portions I've ever seen. That is, unless it's your birthday. After calling attention to yours truly with a rousing rendition of "Happy Birthday", they placed in front of me the tiniest sundae I've ever seen. There were seven people at our table, and the ice cream came in what might have made a decent shot glass. My back was bothering me pretty badly that night, so I headed home and bummed it. I am a party animal, let me tell you.

I need to go whip up some sustenance right now, so I'll finish the recap later on...

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