I've had a lot on my plate the past several weeks. Had a few things I should write about in-depth up here but just couldn't work up the motivation.
A couple weekends ago, I spent the afternoon with Minkus and Megan playing disc golf for the first time (good stuff), then had the pleasure of joining them for a delicious dinner, followed by a fun-filled night of developing B&W prints. Some of mine came out really decent and it's pretty exciting to have shots you actually are proud to show off.
Then last weekend, my cousin Kennard got himself hitched. Congratulations to both him and Lauren (and Lauren, welcome to our [crazy] family)! Right now they're honeymooning at some warm beach whose name escapes me at the moment. All in all a most excellent weekend. The service was very nice, my liver got quite a workout (if you know our family, you understand), my great uncle scared us all to death when he started choking at dinner (he's okay now though, thank goodness), and Sam and I were in *top* form at the reception, if I may say so.
At this point, I must let some (most) of you in on a little secret...
I am moving to California!That's right, you heard me. West coast, baby! My head's all over the place over it right now. I'm excited as hell for the opportunities this move will bring, but I am constantly being reminded of all that I'll leave behind. I'm taking a job with my buddy Dave's company and it sounds like it's going to be a really great environment to work in. But at the same time, it's going to be hard leaving my current job, and especially all of the awesome people I've gotten to know and work with this past year and a half.
This, of course, is not to mention leaving my entire family and everyone I've ever known 3000 miles behind. I must give credit to my parents for raising me to be as independent as I am, so I feel little anxiety about making such a transition, but I know it's going to take some adjustment on my part. Leaving the safety net behind is a necessary step, I think.
The job starts Aug. 1, which seemed like forever in the future when all this happened but it's coming up really quick. The current plan is to roll out of NoVA on the 14th of July and take my sweet time driving cross-country, which should give me a few days to get settled in LA. This time is going to fly and there is a ton to do between now and then, but I'm pumped.
Not sure if posting this up here is a good idea or not, but I think it's only fair to anyone reading this that I share my big news! And now, it is bedtime.