Estoy vivo
Don't worry, I haven't forgotton about y'all. Hit Chi-town today (awesome!), and am presently in Aurora, IL. Looooong day tomorrow so I'm going to get to bed here in a sec. The WiFi I'm on right now is slow as crap and I have a jacuzzi in my room, so the redux from today and yesterday will have to wait. But don't worry, got some cool pictures so those will be forthcoming as well.
2 Comentarios:
I should hope so. Some of us are dying for entertainment.
Dance, monkey.
Sunny, at 7/17/2005 1:18 PM
Pleeeeaase...don't flatter him! I mean, I don't know about the rest of you, but my comments here are just to make TaYLuh think I care!
& now that I lost my darkroom buddy? Well hell, is there any reason to continue this charade?
: ) Tell that sexy beeotch Valentina I want some when I pay you a visit in smog-free LA Mathafocka!!!!
Anonymous, at 7/17/2005 3:49 PM
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