Imagine, if you will...
84 miles of pristine tarmac winding its way up the Bighorn mountain range, then down the back and through the canyon below. Set the speed limit at 65mph. Now dial the traffic density down as low as it will go.
Then get yourself a car. Preferably one with a 6 speed manual transmission that pulls 0.88 G's or better on the skidpad. Fill up the tank. Put some thumping techno on the stereo.
If you need me to explain what to do next, you're beyond my help.
Wow. Just... wow.
The feel of the engine in 3rd gear, pulling at about 5k RPM, right where the VTEC kicks in and you can hear the intake screaming? Vassap! Incredible views as you round a turn and look out over what seems like the entire world below you? Double vassap!
I have never had more fun driving. Ever.
84 miles of pristine tarmac winding its way up the Bighorn mountain range, then down the back and through the canyon below. Set the speed limit at 65mph. Now dial the traffic density down as low as it will go.
Then get yourself a car. Preferably one with a 6 speed manual transmission that pulls 0.88 G's or better on the skidpad. Fill up the tank. Put some thumping techno on the stereo.
If you need me to explain what to do next, you're beyond my help.
Wow. Just... wow.
The feel of the engine in 3rd gear, pulling at about 5k RPM, right where the VTEC kicks in and you can hear the intake screaming? Vassap! Incredible views as you round a turn and look out over what seems like the entire world below you? Double vassap!
I have never had more fun driving. Ever.
1 Comentarios:
--Left foot clutches, right hand shifts, right foot revvs, left hand turns...--
Anonymous, at 7/20/2005 11:01 AM
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